Moving Season is back in full swing for our family. The house we currently live in is up for renovations. So we were given a newly renovated house to move into. We are packing up our belongings, in preparations for moving this weekend.
Considering the next house looks almost identical to the house we are in, we have been thinking about how to more efficiently organize our belongings.

My mother-in-law has been really good about reminding me that sorting the laundry prior to washing them is a great idea - considering it keeps their colors true and whites - actually white! I have yet to start this amazing plan. So I found a bucket sorting system for exactly this purpose. IKEA'S TroFast Storage System is amazing (at least looking at it online). It looks perfect for our needs. Looking on Pinterest, I am quite sure I can find some free printables that I can use to label each bucket as well.
The same goes for my children's toys. They always seem to be so disorganized. Then my children seem to always argue over who plays with what when... I need a much better system - and frankly evidently, so do they!
I really like this TroFast System even for my children's clothing assortment. Assign a color to each child. Label all their little buckets. It may even help as I teach each child how to put their own clothes away. As of right now, these are all just thoughts.
What do you all do to attain efficient storage? How do you go about teaching your children the art of home management?
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